Dijkstra's Algorithm

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Dijkstra's Algorithm Java Tool Quick Start Tutorial

Welcome to Use Dijkstra's Algorithm Java Tool

This tutorial provides a very simple and quick introduction to the "DAJT" workflow. Once you are done with this tutorial, you will have a general knowledge of how to create, set, and run a graph application in the "DAJT".

Draw Graph

To draw graph follows steps below:

  1. Create nodes by clicking the graph area
  2. Drag line between nodes
  3. Change the weight of the line by moving the arrows forth and backward

Run Algorithm

To run algorithm in different way:

  1. Choose start node by entering node
  2. Choose different way to run:

Algorithm Instruction

Instruction Section Provides description about the algorithms step by step, Based on TextBook( "Algorithm Design" ).

  1. Vertex Added part shows the nodes which are near link with source node, and the value of distance between them.
  2. Shortest Path part shows the shortest path between source node and other vertexs by comparing all the distances which possibly exist.

Restart and Clear

User can use this two buttons to redo or clear graph:

  1. Click Restart button to back to the initial state before running algorithm
  2. Click Clear button to clear the graph user already drawn

Change Layout of Graph

User can make alterative layout follows steps below:

  1. Click the mouse+Shift to move node
  2. Click the mouse+Ctrl to delete node


This function is designed for student test: Ask students about the value of distance between two vertices. The Answer panel will response to user to tell user correct or wrong.

  1. Enter the distance between two nodes
  2. Click the check anwser button to check the your chosen is correct or not
  3. Click Next button to change question on another distance of different nodes


Provide a Demo for user:

  1. Click Example to see demo
  2. To run program follows the Run Algorithm

Copyright: Yan Huang and Jiachang Yang