Lecture/Presentation Schedule

This is the presentation schedule for the doctoral seminar student presentation.

·         An Extra Reviewer is typically one who is presenting a paper that day – so he/she does not need to write a review – but read the paper and participate in the paper discussion







September, 2009



Week 0

(August 31)

James Joshi

Course info and General discussion

Changed to meet on Wednesday

Course Information



Week 1

(September 9)

Yue Zhang

Trust Management


Lei Jin

Security in Dataspace


Hassan Takabi

Cloud Computing (NIST Presentation)



Week 2

(September 16)

Review Form

Presenter: Luai Husnawi

Towards a dynamic and composable model of trust

(Adam Lee et al.)

Reviewer 1: Kunjie Wang

Reviewer 2: Mohammed Altamimi

Reviewer 3: Aylin Aksu

Extra Reviewer: Sherry Long




Presenter: Sam Taghavi

A semantic web based framework for social network access control

(Carminati et al.)

Reviewer 1: Mohammed Altamimi

Reviewer 2: Kunji Wang

Reviewer 3: Aylin Aksu

Extra Reviewer: Luai Husnawi



Presenter: Sherry Long

Patient-centric Authorization Framework for Sharing

Electronic Health Records

(Jin et al.)

Reviewer 1: Ce Liu

Reviewer 2: Lei Jin

Reviewer 3: Hassan Takabi

Extra Reviewer: Nathalie Baracaldo



Presenter: Nathalie Baracaldo

TVDc: Managing Security in the Trusted Virtual Datacenter

(Berger et al.)

Reviewer 1: Lei Jin

Reviewer 2: Ce Liu

Reviewer 3: Hassan takabi

Extra reviewer: Sam Taghavi


Presenter: Luai Husnawi

Towards a dynamic and composable model of trust

(Adam Lee et al.)

Reviewer 1: Kunjie Wang

Reviewer 2: Mohammed Altamimi

Reviewer 3: Aylin Aksu

Extra Reviewer: Sherry Long



Presenter: Sam Taghavi

A semantic web based framework for social network access control

(Carminati et al.)

Reviewer 1: Mohammed Altamimi

Reviewer 2: Kunji Wang

Reviewer 3: Aylin Aksu

Extra Reviewer: Luai Husnawi

Week 2

(September 23)

New Review Form




Cassandra: Flexible Trust Management, Applied to Electronic Health Records

Reviewer 1:

Reviewer 2:

Reviewer 3:

Extra Reviewer:




Fine-grained and History-based Access Control with Trust Management for Autonomic Grid Services

Reviewer 1:

Reviewer 2:

Reviewer 3:

Extra reviewer:



An Access Control System for Web Service Compositions

Reviewer 1:

Reviewer 2:

Reviewer 3:

Extra Reviewer:



Privacy-enhanced, Attack-resilient Access Control

in Pervasive Computing Environments with Optional

Context Authentication Capability

Reviewer 1:

Reviewer 2:

Reviewer 3:

Extra Reviewer:




Week 5

(Oct  3)


Make-up for Missed class





Week 6

(Oct  6)


Make-up for Missed class