Information Technology -- Processing Languages -- Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL) ISO/IEC 10179:1996.

Hytime ISO/IEC 10744.

Common Command Language for Online Interactive Information Retrieval. National Information Standards Organization Z39.58-1992.

Born, G. The File Formats Handbook, International Thomson Computer Press, London, 1995.

Raymond, D., Tompa, F. and Wood, D., From data representation to data model: Meta-semantic issues in the evolution of SGML, Computer Standards and Interfaces, 18(1), January 1996, pp 25- 36.

Spring, M.B. Models, Musings, and Managers, X3 Strategic Planning Committee, April 25, 1996, Washington DC. (X3-90 1019 P).

Spring, M. and Carbo-Bearman, T., Information Standards: Models for Future Development. Book Research Quarterly, Fall, 1988, 4(3), pp38-47.

Rather than throwing me out the door, Steve Oksala, Don Loughry, Carl Cargill, Tom Kurihara, Jim Burrows and the other members of the committee invited me to join them in their deliberations. Those early relationships led to a number of different activities. Graduate students in my seminar on Information Technology Standardization were allowed to eavesdrop on committee meetings. Doors were opened allowing thesis work on anticipatory standards, reference models for human computer interaction, international standardized profiles, the characteristics of successful committee chairs, etc.

Spring, M. and Weiss, M., Financing the Standards Development Process, in B. Kahnin and J. Abbate (eds.) Standards Policy for Information Infrastructure, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995.

Oksala, S., Rutkowski, T. Spring, M., and O'Donnell, J. The Structure of IT Standardization, StandardView, 4(1), March, 1996, pp 1-15.

With more than 200 standards directly or indirectly related to the Open Systems Interconnection effort, people sometimes forget that in 1988, ISO produced a brief and precise standard ISO 7489: Information Processing Systems -- Basic Reference Model in several parts that served as a framework for the many thousands of pages of standards that followed.

Spring, M, Jamison, W., Fithen, K., Thomas, P. and Pavol, R. Rationale. Policy Issues, and Architectural Considerations for a Human-Computer Interaction Reference Model (HIRM). SLIS Research Report LIS043/IS91011; October 1991, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260.

Cargill, C. Information Technology Standardization: Theory Process and Organizations, Bedford Mass: Digital Press, 1989.

This is precisely how the Open Document Architecture (ODA) standard addressed the issue.

This scope list is not intended to be exhaustive, nor is it suggested as the best possible division of scopes, but merely as a starting point for the discussion.

Spring, M. and Carbo-Bearman, T., Information Standards: Models for Future Development. Book Research Quarterly, Fall, 1988, 4(3), pp38-47.

Michael Spring
Sat Apr 6 10:34:46 EST 1996