University of Pittsburgh



Agendas/SIS Council Agenda - March 19, 2010
9:30 - 11:30 a.M. IS 522

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Minutes (February 19, 2010)
  3. Chair’s Report (Cox)
    1. Keeping Track of SIS Council Actions
    2. Managing the Agenda
  4. Dean’s Report (Larsen)
  5. New Business
    1. Evaluation of the Restructured I-School (how to proceed)
    2. Post-doc position for AY10-11 – Continuing Discussion (Larsen)
    3. Technology in the SIS Lobby
    4. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
    5. Student Services Issues (Lipshultz)
      1. Indexing and reading names at the SIS graduate recognition ceremony
      2. policy for admission offers dormant more than a year
      3. notifying advisors of new advisees
  6. Old Business
    1. Intellectual Property and Panopto (Weiss, Currier. Langmead)
    2. Review of Existing SIS Tenure and Promotion Guidelines (S. Hirtle)
    3. D-Scholarship (Brusilovsky, He, Weiss)
    4. Annual Reports and Journal Rankings – how to proceed (Cox/Weiss)
    5. SIS Council Colloquium (Brusilovsky)
    6. LIS Information Technology Needs (Reports from Tipper and Munro)



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