IEEE TPS 2021 Call for Papers


Recent advances in computing and information technologies such as IoT, mobile Edge/Cloud computing, cyber- physical-social systems, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/ Deep Learning, etc., have paved way for creating next generation smart and intelligent systems and applications that can have transformative impact in our society while accelerating rapid scientific discoveries and innovations. Such newer technologies and paradigms are getting increasingly embedded in the computing platforms and networked information systems/infrastructures that form the digital foundation for our personal, organizational and social processes and activities. It is increasingly becoming critical that the trust, privacy and security issues in such digital environments are holistically addressed to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals as well as our society.

IEEE TPS-ISA is an international multidisciplinary forum for presentation of state-of-the art innovations, and discussion among academic, industrial researchers, and practitioners on issues related to trust, privacy and security in emerging smart and intelligent systems and applications.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Foundational, theoretical models for trust, privacy and security in emerging applications
  • Trusted AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Privacy preserving Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Trustworthy, safe and resilient intelligent systems
  • Trusted, privacy-conscious and secure systems, applications and networks/infrastructures
  • Security and privacy in IoT and Cyber-physical-human systems
  • Trustworthy and secure Human-Machine collaboration
  • Access and trust management/negotiation, and secure information flow/sharing
  • Bio-inspired approaches to trust, privacy and security
  • Game theoretical approaches to trust, privacy, and security
  • Adversarial machine learning
  • Trust, privacy and security for big data systems, applications and platforms
  • Trust, privacy and security for smart cities and urban computing
  • Machine Learning / Deep learning over encrypted data
  • Usability and human factors for trust, privacy and security
  • Tools, techniques and metrics for trust, privacy and security
  • Anonymization techniques and differential privacy for emerging intelligent applications
  • Trust, privacy and security approaches for services computing: microservices, service-oriented architectures, service composition and orchestration
  • Blockchain and Distributed-ledger technologies
  • Blockchain/Distributed ledger for e-commerce, mobile commerce and intelligent applications
  • Bias, fairness and integrity/robustness of algorithmic machine / AI algorithms
  • Trusted, privacy-aware and secure interoperation of interacting/collaborative systems
  • Threat models and attack modeling for AI/ML and applications
  • Identification/Detection of spam, phishing, malware and APTs
  • Cryptographic approaches and secure multiparty computation
  • Privacy-preserving data mining and big data analytics
  • Application of AI/ML and Deep learning for trust, privacy and security
  • Trust, privacy and security in edge/cloud computing, social computing
  • Safe and trusted autonomous vehicles/UAVs, robotics
  • Trust, security and safety in supply-chain environments and critical infrastructures
  • Data quality/credence, privacy and provenance
  • Trust in social media – disinformation/misinformation
  • Risk metrics and measurements, assessment/analysis and mitigation
  • Insider threat modeling, analysis and mitigation; behavioral modeling for security and trust
  • Digital payments and cryptocurrencies; Secure and trustworthy e-commerce and mobile commerce
  • Trust negotiation and/or propagation in interacting systems of systems, multi-agent systems, social networks.

Important Dates

Research and Industry/Gov Track Round 2
  • Abstract Submission (optional) Oct 7, 2021
  • Full Paper Submission Sep 30, 2021Oct 14, 2021
  • Notification of Acceptance Nov 15, 2021
  • Camera Ready Nov 24, 2021
Vision Track
  • Vision Paper Submission Oct 16, 2021
  • Notification of Acceptance Nov 1, 2021
  • Camera Ready Nov 24, 2021
Special Session – Agriculture Cybersecurity
  • Paper Submission Oct 16, 2021
  • Notification of Acceptance Nov 1, 2021
Research and Industry/Gov Track Round 1
  • Abstract Submission (optional) Aug 8, 2021
  • Full Paper Submission Aug 15, 2021
  • Notification of Acceptance Sept 30, 2021
  • Camera Ready Oct 10, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

Blue Sky/Vision Track

We would like to solicit papers that promote visionary ideas and blue sky thinking in areas aligned with the conference themes. These papers are expected to spark intense discussions and newer research directions/insights through potentially disruptive, controversial, or highly cross-disciplinary ideas that look forward to Trust, Privacy and Security areas for the next 10 years and beyond. Ideas that are just being conceived, not fully developed, far from experimentally evaluated, or out-of-the box are highly encouraged. The papers should follow the same format as the regular conference papers and can be up to 10 pages.

Industry Track Papers

We would like to solicit papers that focus on design, implementation and deployment of solutions related to Trust, privacy and security within the industrial or government environments. The papers submitted to this track are expected to advance practical and applied research focused on the use of TPS technologies, and real-world networks, systems applications.

The Industry/Government Track will include papers selected through a separate program committee. Authors must clearly indicate sub-areas their papers are to be evaluated in because distinct criteria may be used for reviewing different category of submissions:

  • Deployed:

    Deployed systems that aim to provide real practical value to industry, Government, or other organizations, or communities. The papers should point out how the deployed system explicitly address TPS issues or describe either qualitatively (lessons learnt, deployment experiences, etc.) or quantitatively how Trust, Privacy and Security issues are addressed in smart, intelligence systems and applications.

  • Emerging:

    Newer models and mechanisms or innovative solutions related to trust, privacy and security in networks, systems and applications are expected here. The authors should clearly demonstrate value and interest to Industry, Government of society (e.g., scientific or medical professions; critical infrastructures). Papers that describe infrastructure development and deployment that enables the large-scale deployment of trusted, safe, secure and privacy-aware technologies/applications or their validation are also in these areas.

Special Session Track – Agriculture Cybersecurity

We would like to solicit papers in the area of agriculture cybersecurity. Agriculture is facing an unprecedented productivity challenge – requiring the production of record quantities of food to provide for an estimated 10 billion people by 2050. We do not have enough farming land on earth to feed everyone. This productivity gain must be achieved by more efficient agriculture methods and more effective food supply chain management including the reduction of food waste management to meet global sustainability goals. Disruptive information technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and the internet-of-things have recently made inroads towards this goal and have given birth to the new field of Digital Agriculture.

Fast paced digital transformation in any field comes with cybersecurity risks and digital agriculture is no exception. A recent cyber-attack on the world’s largest meat processing company, JBS, is the tip of the iceberg. With the rapid digitization of the agriculture sector, we expect to see a rise in scale and sophistication of cyber-attacks. Arguably, this sector is the least prepared to respond to such attacks. This special session seeks position and technical papers discussing cybersecurity problems and innovative solutions covering all aspects of digital agriculture from farm to table.

The topics in this special session include, but not limited to:

  • Cyber awareness and skills in agriculture
  • Security operations of agriculture automation and robotics
  • Trustworthy data analytics in digital agriculture
  • Data privacy and confidentiality in digital agriculture
  • Security of on-farm and supply-chain sensor systems
  • Trusted supply chains for agriculture e
  • Cyber resilience of agriculture technology
  • Cybersecurity policies and governance for digital agriculture
  • Case studies

Paper Submission

  • Research Track Paper Submission

    We invite original research papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Papers submitted to Research track should be no longer than 10 pages in the standard two column IEEE proceedings format, which can be found at IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings . The papers should be submitted at the research track of the conference in EasyChair.

  • Vision Track Paper Submission

    We invite original research vision papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Vision contributions should focus on blue-sky ideas and research vision in the area that at least one of the lead senior authors are known for. Vision paper can be as short as 2 pages but should be no longer than 10 pages in the standard two column IEEE proceedings format, which can be found at IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings . The papers should be submitted at the version track of the conference in EasyChair.

  • Industry/Government Paper Submission

    We invite original industry papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. At least one co-author must be affiliated with industry or Government organizations, such as labs in DoE, DoD, NIH, NSA Labs. Papers submitted to Regular or Industry/Gov track should be no longer than 10 pages in the standard two column IEEE proceedings format, IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings . The papers should be submitted at the industry/gov track of the conference in EasyChair.

  • Special Track - Agriculture Cybeersecurity Paper Submission

    We invite original research papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Papers submitted to the special track should be no longer than 10 pages in the standard two column IEEE proceedings format, which can be found at IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings . The papers should be submitted at the special track of the conference in EasyChair.

Workshops Proposals

Proposals for half-day or full day workshops that focus on IEEE TPS 2019 related themes are solicited. Workshop proposals should be at most five pages, including a biographical sketch of each instructor, and submitted to the Workshop Chairs. Proposals will be evaluated based on the expertise and experience of the organizers and the relevance and importance of the subject matter. Please refer to call for workshop proposals for details.

Panels Proposals

Proposals for panel discussions that focus on future visions relevant to trust, privacy and security are preferred. Potential panel organizers should submit a panel proposal of at most five pages, including biographical sketches of the proposed panelists to the Panel Chairs.

Tutorials Proposals

Proposals for full and half-day tutorials are solicited. Tutorials are intended to enhance the technical program, and as such they should be relevant to the conference related themes. Potential tutorial presenters should submit a tutorial proposal of at most three pages, including: description of potential audience and background knowledge expected from the audience, if any; tutorial description; biographical sketch(s) of presenter(s).

Review Policy

IEEE Policy and professional ethics require that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge, which that access provides. Contents of abstracts submitted to conference program committees should be regarded as privileged as well, and handled in the same manner. The Conference Publications Chair shall ensure that referees adhere to this practice.

Organizers of IEEE conferences are expected to provide an appropriate forum for the oral presentation and discussion of all accepted papers. An author, in offering a paper for presentation at an IEEE conference, or accepting an invitation to present a paper, is expected to be present at the meeting to deliver the paper. In the event that circumstances unknown at the time of submission of a paper preclude its presentation by an author, the program chair should be informed on time, and appropriate substitute arrangements should be made. In some cases, it may help reduce no-shows for the Conference to require advance registration together with the submission of the final manuscript.