Candidate Topics for SIS Council - AY 2011-12

May 4, 2011


  1. Forging a School 5-year vision based on faculty engagement that empowers, emboldens, and inspires
  2. Moving program-based parameters toward School-based parameters (e.g., admissions criteria, financial aid award, GSA / TA support, teaching load, …)
  3. Priorities for filling vacant faculty positions based on the 5-year vision
  4. Priorities for recruiting new PhD students based on the 5-year vision
  5. Considering the future of FastTrack wrt Pitt Online
  6. Reviewing the role and responsibilities of the proposed Assistant Dean position and filling that position
  7. Positioning the school for robust sustainability, including establishing greater interdependence with other academic units that leverages and provides greater recognition of our strengths
  8. Revisiting the financial underpinnings of the school as they relate to the academic offerings, e.g., exploring the necessity, desirability and/or viability of a 48-hour Master’s program that decreases the number of actual students but increases their time here.
  9. Exploring the desirability, viability, and character of a single PhD degree and a single professional Master’s degree (and its accreditation)
  10. Offering more opportunities for us to learn from each other, leveraging the activities we are already conducting (e.g., peer review of teaching and learning outcomes assessment)


