Political campaign guidelines (excerpted from policy 02-03-09)

April 2 , 2008


Individual members of the University community have a recognized right to participate, as they see fit, in the political process so long as there is no conflict with the discharge of their regular duties.  The University of Pittsburgh, as an institution, however, does not endorse, support or take positions for or against any political candidate for office and no individual may speak or act in the name of the University in a political campaign.

A voluntary organization consisting of members of the University community (other than groups which have formal responsibilities for governance, administration, or instruction) may adopt resolutions endorsing or opposing a candidate or taking a position on an issue involved in a campaign for the purpose of assisting or opposing a candidate.  Such resolutions, whether written or verbal, should clearly indicate that they speak only for their organization and do not state a University position.

University funds, facilities, or services may not be used for any participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.  Individual University employees may freely make private political contributions from their own personal funds.  They must not, however, allow even an appearance that they are doing so in their official University capacities (for example, by using University stationery to forward a contribution).

