Faculty Recruitment

September 25, 2008


The search committees for the two approved searches (Boyce & Cyberscholar) will meet on Friday, Sept. 26, to review received applications.

Doreen E. Boyce Chair in Library and Information Science: Dr. Susan Leigh Star will be at SIS to interview for this position on October 8-10.

Cyberscholar: Dr. Geoffrey Bowker will be at SIS to interview for this position on October 8-10.

Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to meet with both Dr. Star and Dr. Bowker during their visit. Please see Theresa Benedek to review their c.v.’s and to arrange a time to meet them.

I will be submitting a request to the Provost on October 15 for authorization to recruit two tenure-stream faculty members and one non-tenure-stream faculty member. SIS Council will be finalizing their recommendation to me on October 3. The September26 all faculty meeting will provide an opportunity for faculty to express their sense of priorities for new faculty positions.

