Revised course buyout policy under review by Council

April 13, 2009


Course buyouts are available to faculty members who submit convincing evidence of conducting scholarly or other appropriate endeavors on released time which will advance their own professional standing, enrich their teaching and research and, by implication, improve the standing and visibility of the School of Information Sciences and the University of Pittsburgh.  The following guidelines apply:

  1. Course buyouts must be approved by the chairs of the program(s) in which the faculty member teaches and the Dean. 
  2. The Dean, in consultation with SIS Council, must set and periodically review the monetary sum for a course buyout and the maximum number of buyouts permitted by a faculty member.  At present, the monetary sum is set to one month of a faculty member’s two term salary, and the maximum number of buyouts is set to two per academic year.
  3. A faculty member must apply for a buyout by the beginning of the semester before the semester in which the buyout is desired.  This application must be made in writing to the Dean (or his/her designee) and should include the course in question as well as the source of funding to be used for the buyout.  This application must include the endorsement of the affected program chair(s). 
  4. The Dean, in consultation with the program chair(s), must act on a complete, written request within four weeks of the request.  Action can consist of (1) approval, (2) denial for cause, (3) negotiation with the faculty member.
  5. Course buyouts are for the express purpose of increasing scholarly activity.  Thus, it is a responsibility of the faculty member who has a buyout to demonstrate the scholarly activity to the Dean.  This may consist of published works, memo to the Dean, project demonstration, etc.  This must be delivered to the Dean within 30 days of the end of the semester for which the buyout was granted.