Board of Visitors, October 31 & November 1

September 21, 2011


The SIS Board of Visitors will be arriving at lunch time on October 31. We will kick off the BOV session with a lunch buffet and poster session. This is a format that has proven to be successful and engaging for Board members, faculty, and students. We invite five posters or demonstrations from each of the graduate programs, highlighting the research of our students. The undergraduate program is invited to display the innovative work that students have done over the past year, as well.

The poster session will run until mid-afternoon, at which point the Board will convene for reports from the dean, associate dean, chief of staff, and program chairs.  It is my expectation that the routine business components of the Board meeting will be completed prior to dinner, when the Provost meets with the Board to present a university update and deliver her charge to the Board.

At last year’s BOV meeting, the School was encouraged to develop a 5-year vision to guide its evolution. As you know, we have taken steps to develop such a vision and have encouraged all faculty to contribute to its development. I am currently planning on reserving most of Tuesday’s Board time to engage them productively in reviewing the ideas that have been put forth to date, expanding our concepts based on their perspectives and insights, and integrating the diverse components into coherent themes. I anticipate conducting this in an interactive workshop format that engages all who have an interest in participating, including faculty, staff, and PhD students. I have approached a colleague at another iSchool to facilitate the workshop.

The visioning workshop part of the meeting will likely run until early afternoon, at which time the Board will reconvene in closed session to develop their report to the Provost, who typically rejoins the meeting for the last hour.

