RIG Status

September 4 , 2007


Our first year with the Research Interest Groups produced mixed results. A couple of them (most notably the SAIS one and the online education one) got off to a strong start, but this was not the universal experience among the RIGs. RIG funding expired with the fiscal year, on June 30, 2007. Unexpended funds can not be carried into this year. With this in mind, I am going to alter the RIG proposal schedule a bit to align it better with the funding cycle. Rather than form RIGs in the fall, we will form them toward the end of the spring term. Then RIGs can develop funding proposals for the upcoming fiscal year and plan their activities for the fall.

For this year, we will take as a starting point the existing RIGs and consider only the most obvious adjustments at the fall faculty meeting. RIGs that are inactive, for example, should probably be disbanded. If there is clearly a new one that reflects an emerging opportunity, we should consider it. But we will reserve for the spring a more comprehensive review and proposal process for RIGs. Now would be an excellent time for RIGs to consider their plans for the year and for faculty to consider adjustments.

