Board of Visitors meets October 19 & 20

September 09, 2009


The SIS Board of Visitors meeting will include introductions of our new faculty, a ribbon-cutting for the new LERSAIS lab on the 4th floor, and a poster session featuring the work of our students on Monday, October 19. The Provost will present his charge to the Board over dinner that evening. On Tuesday, we will present brief updates of each of the School’s programs and then delve into the two primary topics the Board has requested:  diversity and fund-raising. The diversity discussion will include a review of current recruiting strategies as well as a discussion of the iSchool Diversity Initiative. Joelleen Yerace and Tom Crawford (Institutional Advancement) will join the discussion on fund-raising strategies.

Faculty members are encouraged to recruit students doing interesting work to participate in the poster session. Given the space limitations for the BOV event, we would ask that you give first preference to PhD students. Please send a brief description of the proposed content of the poster (include the name of the students and which program they are in) to me by September 15, 2009.  Once we receive all the proposals/descriptions, we will select 18 posters which we can comfortably display.  You will be notified of acceptance by September 18, 2009. 
